LiveLifeLocal was created for smart, active, energetic people who love living life to the fullest. If you’re here because you like to sit around and do nothing, this is not the site for you.
LiveLifeLocal is the place to find—and share—insider knowledge about the best activities in local areas all around the country. Created by people like you for people like you, LiveLifeLocal aims to be the definitive resource for those who want to find fun things to try close to home or someplace new and for those who want to inspire others by sharing their favorite activities and events.
Some people like to climb rocks, others like to skip them. Some crave feeding their brains with the latest museum exhibit, while others crave feeding their faces at the hottest food festival. Whether day trips or road trips, solo adventures or family outings, indoor or outdoor fun, recreation or relaxation, here you’ll find an endless supply of things to do, no matter what mood you’re in. LiveLifeLocal gives you a chance to make your own calendar of events to try.
You can search LiveLifeLocal by location or category, and when you’ve found something you like, get out there and try it! Then share your favorite things to do in your hometown and the places you’ve traveled—because no one knows better about the best things to do than people who’ve been there and done that.
LiveLifeLocal is made possible by the folks at Safeco Insurance, who know that some people want more out of life. At Safeco Insurance, our employees—and the thousands of independent agents who help people with their insurance needs—are committed to making it easy for you to protect your auto, home, motorcycle, boat, RV, or just about anything else so you can get out and live life to the fullest.
Find out more about Safeco Insurance.